Thursday, May 24, 2018

The legend of golden

Just as there are so many others stories, there is one in which a man due to a strange disease could not have dreams. His contemporaries came to his aid, because if dogs and cats howled and purred like other animal species, why not this one. Have not you seen a dog, dreaming? Or if not, then what were the experiences of Pavlov? We can deduce that animals also dream. It was decided then that more attention had to be paid so that his dreams would surface like that of all humans where imagination and reality were confused, while life through time gave us new experiences that would translate into expectations, that with the time would be other dreams of better well-being. There are dreams of dreams. They decided to tell him how in the caves of Altamira they found some cave paintings of our original ancestors, which gave life to the reality they had. Men who were exposed to the struggle for the survival of the species. And to get it, they met in those caves, and went to their imaginations to make their dreams come true. They had prayed in their own way, and they had gone to their work: On the hunt.

First they dreamed of drawing the animals masterfully in the caves, and then they got what they dreamed. Man was beginning to understand something about dreams. The ancients who were defenseless before the laws of nature, to get their sustenance first approached their gods so that the hunt for the bison would come true. Later he learned that in those same lands, thousands of centuries later, the Cid Campeador would end up expelling the Moors while he riding dead, and that thanks to that victory a new dream for man would come true. A new world. 

Species of unknown animals and plants would amazed those men, as if they were hallucinated. But a nightmare would come with those dreams. With the Moors the Jews also had gone and with them all that could be prosperity. The gold that represented for the majority that went in pursuit of these new lands, it would be the backwardness for the Spaniards, while the English with the industrial revolution would be the owners of the world, and with these new dreams, ideas of freedom that as never before had seen, presage that everything would change forever.Then the man began to dream. Germán Arciniegas in your book "The man of the golden", this legend would be the stimulus for the dream of Manco de Lepanto thatwrote Don Quixote. One very different from what they were looking for those who wanted fame and fortune in these lands discovered. They were ideal represented in that character who is still fighting the blades of windmills. He wanted to come to this land, but as he could not, was content to listen and read the adventures of the conquistadors, and among them those of Gonzalo Jimenez de Quezada. A dream that would immortalize.  The man finally did what his contemporaries wanted: He dreamed. And the dream would generate equal to those of the Jews nightmares. He un-derstood how these new lands after producing new dreams, greed for mate-rial wealth would generate conflicts. Amid all these dreams other languages with different customs to those of Cervantes, with a more pragmatic religion they would make the conquest of the West attracted crowds glimpsed dreams of freedom. Golden legend sparked new ways of thinking. He glimpsed that new nightmares would come in his shadow. Not everything that flashed was gold or progress because wars would continue despite those dreams. He imagined then an imaginary country built on a bridge in the largest river in the world, and which contained the answers to the concerns that no human being had been able to carry out. In the skirt of the woman who represented the statue of liberty, he supposed that the modern armies would go astray, and in exchange for the dead, the smell of the flowers of freedom would be possessed in the hearts, which with only smelling they would get the peace and happiness that they were looking for. And yet the nightmares continue, and the same men who wanted to dream, finally decided he had no right to that. The equality of which he dreamed, it was not the same of them.Freedom was a simple fallacyShe was chained. He learned truths that were hidden. Greed and avarice were the owners in those worlds where the indecent prospering. Those dreams although dreams, chimeras were overflowing concerns in find-ing new satisfactions. Since that time the man continued to dream. The Legend of Golden would becom-ing a reality. The contradictions continue.