Saturday, January 9, 2021

The terrestrial rings

For centuries the human being made life impossible on earth. Atomic tests, acid rain, radioactive waste, deforestation, global warming, evaporation from the sea, etc .; they made the planet the garbage dump of the universe.

And also during all this time the man who put satellites after satellites around the earth managed to build immense swarms of rings that revolved around it. Thus they were building countless artificial cities that housed the vegetation and fauna that they could save.

Now man lives in an artificial world, waiting for the day that he can return to what was once his paradise.

The exterminator

While they were making love, in another region of the earth, a false alarm caused by a series of technical failures that coincided with the verbal confrontations between the heads of the great powers caused that the electrical flows  to be unleashed between the electrical flows of the computers the automatic order to fire anti-missile rockets.

The announced world war had begun. Clara and Nestor, ecstatic, saw the reflection of the light that suddenly illuminated the earth through the window of the room.

A slight heat invaded them, since the explosions had been from the other side of the earth. They believed it was dawn. The large fire mushrooms only gave them time to dress and go out into the street scared.

Great human tides did the same in other parts of the globe. The couple without understanding what was happening, hugged each other. The same man was the exterminator of his own fellow men.

The bomb

The bomb exploded silently. Without making a sound, it raised a cloud of dust that swept across the land. One dog turned into thousands of puppies. One cat in other thousands. And so on. So the world got bigger by making living and inanimate things smaller. Man multiplied and spread in the universe. The same bomb forced him to disable the rest because they no longer served what they were created for.


Aura, she said in my ear:

-Varga Vila wrote "Aura o las violetas", in honor of the love he feels for me.

I hugged her and gave her a kiss trying to keep the jealousy out of my head. I took her to a small hotel in the Santafé neighborhood, and we made love.

I promised to tell Vargas Vila about us, so that he would have no illusions.

He insisted that I tell him nothing. I nodded my head. I cleared my throat a bit, and we made love again.

The trip in the mirror

- Mommy! Mommy! The mirror makes faces at me.

-Don't be careful my love.

Sitting on the seat of the mother's dressing table, she rubbed the glass with her hands, winking at him and looking at the trees and mountains that reflected the mirror.

-Mirror, mirror, it said. I would like to enter and know your world.

 He gladly accepted. She felt smaller than before. Inside he found a cat and mouse playing like two old friends. Those were the times when cats no longer ate mice, and they did not have fleas or transmit diseases. They were guinea pigs in scientists' labs.

He jumped into a drop of water vapor rising from the damp earth to the clouds. This is how he got to know the natural flora and fauna of the land.

Later he returned in drop of water that fell on a petal of one of the roses in his home garden.

- Mommy! The mirror keeps making faces at me.

-Quiet little daughter; make faces at him too.

And the girl happy because the mother did not notice the  stroll in the mirror, she promised to keep the secret.

Friday, January 8, 2021

The doctor

With each step he takes, it seems that he is going to lose his balance, and yet when he takes the other, he returns and recovers it. "How cold he feels, the friend tells me." It was really cold. With what the money lasted us, we had a few beers. We talk about his profession. He was a doctor. Doctor of the National University. It ended a few years ago. Right now he is working at the San Juan de Dios hospital. He's the head of the psychiatry department. That said. Talk about medicine at all times. That his father did not want him because he was born on December 24, and because he was very Catholic, he never accepted that his son was born on the same day as Jesus. "Waht  a silly, he kept saying." He was - according to him - very dedicated to science from a very young age, so much so that he made the smallest instruments that man has imagined. But the great industry stole part of his inventions, and here he is as an employee in one of the best hospitals that Colombia has. I do not know what to think. I met him at the Capablanca chess club where he goes every day. Perhaps it has been one of the few places where students from the early hours of the morning separate chairs and tables to dedicate ourselves to studying all day. There are emeralds, detectives, gamblers of all stripes, merchants and employees of different official organizations, and many other characters. There are also intellectuals and politicians. he reads and reads. Sometimes you spend endless hours flipping through a single page. It is slower than the same time. He think. His writings are from psychiatry. He has them in a bag that he carries it everywhere he goes. According to him, he owns a house.

-I'm renting you a room, he tells me.

-How value is it, I answer him.

-when you see it we will negotiate.

We were going to see her the moment she remembered some papers that she had to take to a place she didn't want to say. "See you tomorrow, he says again."

Here I am still waiting for it.

Before he left he told me a secret. In the hospital, because it is for the jai (aristocrats, oligarchs and deceitful smugglers; or whatever they want) they do not allow doctors or students to go without ties. Because he is very stubborn, he wears a bow tie. He showed it to me. He had it tucked away in one of the pockets of his jacket, threadbare from the old, discolored from grime, caked. He's not a believer because of the dad. But if he is found in heaven, he goes to hell. Swear and swear that he will. Yes sir. To say goodbye, he searches his pockets and does not find a single weight.

-Brother, loan me for the bus, he says.

 Then I see him walking away with the paper bag in one of his armpits. Go quick. Little hops. He reaches 10th avenue, and boards a bus that goes to the north of the city.

A strange family (mini novel)

 Chapter 1.


 She was nuts the day his father kicked him in the butt, because he bent down to pick up the pieces of porcelain that the lunch plate was turned into. She was so mad that she often ran off naked into the street.

So, the old man, in order not to let her out, would raise her to the roof of the house, which amused her a lot, because she would go not only on the roofs of her own, but also those of the neighbors, stamping her feet and screaming with her arms crossed over her breasts :

- Motherfuckers ...! Son of...!

Chapter 2.


To her, the day I yelled at her in front of my neighborhood friends:

- Bye, mommy! He wanted to kill me with his eyes.

- Mommy, your mother, son of ...!

We all laughed, and we watched her stride away.

That same day as always, I passed by at night, and I saw that he was chatting at the gate of his house with his sisters.

They looked at me and smiled.

It was when she was all serious she told me:

-Walk to see what you know.

 Chapter 3.


Tired of the harassment to which the father had subjected her with his lewd gaze, and the care that the mother had for her while he was there, she ran away from home very young with the driver of a taxi, who then abandoned her shortly after she became pregnant .

Chapter 4.


 Or stick´s foot, as we call it. From the day he disobeyed an order from his father, he was lame in a moment of his anger. He threw a stick at his legs. In spite of everything, he was the only one who did something productive, because he learned masonry with the neighbors of the neighborhood. The evil tongues say that with his trade he analyzes his next victims, and disguised he makes mischief with others.

Chapter 5.


Or grime shell. He had no choice. He was the youngest of the brothers. For his sake he went on military service. Before swearing the flag, he escaped with his entire military force. No one understood why. They found him at home sleeping, with everything stolen. Today he is serving a sentence. It is not known what will become of him.