Saturday, January 9, 2021

The trip in the mirror

- Mommy! Mommy! The mirror makes faces at me.

-Don't be careful my love.

Sitting on the seat of the mother's dressing table, she rubbed the glass with her hands, winking at him and looking at the trees and mountains that reflected the mirror.

-Mirror, mirror, it said. I would like to enter and know your world.

 He gladly accepted. She felt smaller than before. Inside he found a cat and mouse playing like two old friends. Those were the times when cats no longer ate mice, and they did not have fleas or transmit diseases. They were guinea pigs in scientists' labs.

He jumped into a drop of water vapor rising from the damp earth to the clouds. This is how he got to know the natural flora and fauna of the land.

Later he returned in drop of water that fell on a petal of one of the roses in his home garden.

- Mommy! The mirror keeps making faces at me.

-Quiet little daughter; make faces at him too.

And the girl happy because the mother did not notice the  stroll in the mirror, she promised to keep the secret.