Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The shadow


The shadow of my shadow is not the same as me, nor is it the shadow of you or of any other or another, but the only one similar to the shadow of your shadow of another or another. Like someone who says: "It belongs to everyone a little, and to none too." She roamed through the thoughts of Julius Caesar or Napoleon. He was also at the side of Bolívar or San Martín. He accompanied the Christians in their captivity, and followed them to their peak in the Middle Ages. It still haunts us, like a shadow that is not a shadow. When we spit, the shadow reveals the sputum on the ground. The shadow of my shadow does the opposite. He probably laughs, or blasphemes with exhaustion. It slips into the books accumulated in libraries, or into the memory of computers where centuries go back in seconds. Try not to get in the way of every man. Let us meditate and weigh the current concerns, and wait patiently for our mistakes to make us vibrate with your conscience. Aware of our mistakes, she guides us along the paths we take in the history of civilization. Our stage culminates with others, changing their way of thinking day by day. The shadow of my shadow is not the same as yours or someone else's, but it is part of what is yours and what is mine. While I laugh, she spits or is sad. Something different can happen with the shadow of your shadow. But anyway she follows us or leads us by the hand. It has no shape or shape. It's mine, not yours.